Amid COVID-19, the IPM Innovation Lab Increases Virtual Learning Opportunities in Nepal
The IPM Innovation Lab is delivering online webinars in subject areas such as pesticide safety training as travel restrictions and social distancing rules persist.

Biocontrol of Fall Armyworm: The Chain Reaction that Led to Regional and Cross-Continental Management
By fostering previous programs and partnerships, the IPM Innovation Lab has developed numerous hubs around the world dedicated to mass-producing and releasing natural enemies against the fall armyworm.

A Private Sector Collaboration Keeps Pests at Bay, Partnerships Possible
The IPM Innovation Lab’s collaboration with a pheromone company helps farmers monitor and manage pests around the world.

Cambodian Farmer Implements and Modifies Machinery, Improves Quality of Rice
After IRRI introduced smallholder farmer In Soun to the Eli Rice Seeder, he began thinking of additional ways he could innovate the machine for even more expansive benefits.

Rodents and Rice: Cambodian Farmers Find Safe and Productive Ways to Fight Furry Pests
As rodents continue to threaten rice productivity in Cambodia, farmers are finding and innovating ways to protect their fields and increase benefits for their families.

Agri-business Blooms out of IPM Innovation Lab Partnership
Samir Regmi, owner of a small business selling agricultural and veterinary supplies in Nepal, is seeing his business grow exponentially from his collaboration developing an IPM supply chain with the IPM Innovation Lab.

IPM Innovation Lab Helps Uganda and Kenya Secure Permits to Fight Invasive Weed
After building the capacity for successful biological control of Parthenium in Ethiopia, the IPM Innovation Lab has helped secure permits that will open the door for more countries in Africa to control the invasive weed without the use of pesticides.

A Partnership Celebrated: Former IPM Innovation Lab Collaborator Continues to make Agricultural Strides across Uganda
An IPM Innovation Lab student alumni succeeds in helping to bring food security to Uganda.

Fighting Fruit Flies: Bangladesh uses Common Materials against a Common Pest
IPM IL collaborators at BARI are helping to reduce fruit fly damage in Bangladesh to zero.

Push-Pull: One Simple Farming Technique Successfully Battles Africa’s Key Agricultural Constraints
IPM IL collaborators icipe continue to develop and apply Push-Pull, a technique that’s helping smallholder farmers protect their crops from pests, among other benefits.

Dragon Fruit Sleeving: Farmers Find Relief with Simple Technologies
IPM IL introduces dragon fruit farmers to sleeving that helps protect their crops from pests, diseases, and the use of toxic pesticides.

Mango Bagging: Farmers Stay Happy, Fruit Flies Stay Away
Farmers save on time, money, and resources with the help of IPM IL’s mango bagging support.

Longan Bagging: Multi-purpose Bags Give Farmers More Fruitful Futures
IPM IL introduces mesh bags to farmers to help protect longan and monitor potentially dangerous pests.

Women Find Work with the Help of an Entrepreneur and a “Fighting Fungus”
IPM IL collaborator creates new opportunities for women across Bangladesh.
Market Penetration of IPM Technology Shifts Farmer Choice to Healthier and Environmentally Friendly Practices
Investments into farmer engagement programs results in major business growth in the Southern Delta.
IPM Innovation Lab helps fight pearl millet pests in Niger
Biocontrol agents help ease future millet damage.

After IPM Innovation Lab trainings, Bangladesh and Nepal confirm tomato-pest invasion
55 countries participate to help stop invasive moth.
IPM Innovation Lab training in Nepal changes lives of merchants and farmers
Nepalese farmers and merchants learn about integrated pest management solutions for fighting pests and diseases.
IPM Innovation Lab awards more than $11 million to help feed people in developing countries
IPM IL chooses eight sub-award projects that will work to feed people in Asia and Africa.

An unexpected gift: IPM IL receives a grant from Haramaya University
An Ethiopian agricultural university offers help in the fight against a damaging weed.
Seeding success in southern India: turning coconut dust into gold
In southern India, farmers have found a new use for coconut dust.
Healthier Families, Higher Incomes: A women’s farmer group in Nepal reaps the benefits of IPM
Improvements in irrigation and integrated pest management lead to higher vegetable crop yields for a 21-household village in Nepal.

Potatoes and undergraduates at 9,000 feet
Virginia Tech undergraduate students work with potato farmers in the Ecuadorian Andes, combining integrated pest management techniques with conservation agriculture.
A Version of Progressive Agriculture in the Ecuadorian Andes
IPM-SANREM collaboration in Ecuador helps farmers grow healthier, more resilient crops.
Frequencies for Farmers: IPM training over the airwaves in India
The IPM Innovation Lab partnered with Tamil Nadu Agricultural University to organize a 20-week radio series on IPM methods that reached thousands of farmers.

Trichoderma, the fighting fungus
Scientists with IPM Innovation Lab are using a fungus called Trichoderma to combat a range of fungal diseases that affect crops from India to Honduras.
Fried green tomatoes grow greener in Uganda
Working alongside local scientists, IPM IL researchers help Ugandan farmers reduce pesticides, benefitting the environment, boosting the local economy, and improving livelihoods.
Supporting dreams, working toward food security
The IPM Innovation Lab provides life-changing financial support that helps many young scientists realize their career dreams.

Invasive papaya pest discovered by IPM IL in Asia
Thanks to efforts by scientists in a Virginia Tech-led program, the papaya mealybug—an emerging threat from India to Indonesia—is being identified and contained.
Naranjilla grafting in Ecuador: Reducing deforestation and promoting the growth of an industry
The little-known fruit, rich in vitamins and a source of dietary diversification, gets a boost in production from an IPM IL program in Ecuador.
Virginia Tech Program Empowers Women Through Gender Workshop in Mali
Gender, Participatory Research, and Technology Transfer Workshop draws participants from all over Africa.

Fruit Fly Frenzy for Pheromones in Bangladesh
With cuelure, damage caused by fruit flies went down 70%, and farmers have been making a profit. After just a few seasons with the new technique, Bangladeshi cucurbit farmers are making three times what they made before.
Eggplant Grafting Transforms Life in Bangladesh
Bangladeshi women learn how to graft high-yielding eggplant root stock to sick plants. This simple technology reduces the need for pesticide applications and increases their harvests.
Cocoa Pod Prophylactics: Life and Death in Sulawesi
IPM scientists work with Indonesian farmers to fight the cocoa pod borer moth and save chocolate.

Investing in People, Investing in the Future
For the IPM Innovation Lab (IPM IL), capacity building goes beyond numbers on a page. It’s about investing in people and providing them with the tools and knowledge to learn, teach, grow, and discover.
A simple solution to Vietnam’s big dragon fruit problem
Plastic sleeving benefits multiple stakeholders.
Leveling the Playing Field in the Fight Against Parthenium
IPM IL releases two biological agents to successfully battle an invasive weed.