Program collaborators, researchers, and students regularly publish and present findings on IPM Innovation Lab work at conferences, in journals and books, in posters, and through extension publications. While you can find a complete list of all IPM Innovation Lab publications on our site, here we offer a selection of these works for your information:
IPM Innovation Lab Publications: 1993-2016
- IPM Innovation Lab Publications: 1993-2016, Compiled by Maria Elisa Vollmer N.
- Integrated Pest Management of Tropical Vegetable Crops (2016), Springer
- Arthropod Pests of Horticultural Crops in Tropical Asia (2012), CABI Publications
- Biological control of Tropical Weeds Using Arthropods (2009), Cambridge University Press
- Globalizing Integrated Pest Management (2005), Blackwell Publishing
Select Recent Academic Articles
- Sharma, Anamika, Muniappan, Rangaswamy. IPM for tropical crops: lentil. CAB Reviews.
- Sharma, Anamika, Muniappan, Rangaswamy. Ecology and Management of Parcoccus Marginatus (Papaya Mealybug) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in the Indian Subcontinent - Achievements and Lessons. Indian Journal of Entomology.
- Sharma, Anamika, Reddy, Gadi V.P. IPM and Pollinator Protection in Canola Production in the USA. Integrative Biological Control, Progress in Biological Control 20.
- Khadka, Ram B., Cardina, John, Miller, Sally. Perspectives on Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Weed Management. Journal of Integrated Pest Management.
- Mersie, Wondi, Amare, Tesfay, Chala, Lidya Alemayehu, Negeri, Mulugeta, McNamee, Clyde. The establishment and spread of the stem-boring weevil Listronotus setosipennis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) released against Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Asteraceae) in Ethiopia. Weed Biology and Management.
- Sharma, Anamika and Muniappan, Rangaswamy. Yelseti Ramachandra Rao’s contribution to entomology and his pioneering work on the management of invasive plant species in India. Current Science.
- Khadka, R. B. and Miller, S. A. Synergy of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation and Trichoderma spp. in Rhizoctonia Root Rot Suppression. Frontiers.
- Sattler C., Schrader J., Flor R.J., Keo M., Chhun S., Choun S., Hadi B., Settele, J. Reducing pesticides and increasing crop diversification offer ecological and economic benefits for farmers-A case studyin Cambodian rice fields. Insects.
- Bhandari, G.S., Thapa R.B., Giri, Y.P, Manadhar, H.K. and Jha, P. K. Field efficacy of eco-friendly management practices against maize stem borers in spring maize at Rampur, Chitwan. Azarian Journal of Agriculture.
- Mersie, Wondi, Chala, Lidya A., Fite, Tarkegn, McNamee, Clyde. The higher incidence of winter rust fungus (Puccinia abrupta var partheniicola) on the invasive weed parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) in central Ethiopia is related to greater average rainfall, cloud cover and relative humidity in 2020. Biocontrol Science and Technology.
- Poudel, Anju S., Shrestha, Bharat B., Joshi, Mohan D., Muniappan, Rangaswamy, Adiga, Abhijin, Venkatramanan, Srinivasan, Jha, Pramod. Predicting the Current and Future Distribution of the Invasive Weed Ageratina adenophora in the Chitwan Annapurna Landscape, Nepal. Mountain Research and Development.
- Maerere, Peter A., Mwatawala, Maulid W., Mtui, Hosea D., Mamiro, Delphina P., Baltazari, Anna. Temporal distribution and Management of the Tomato Leafminer. International Journal of Vegetable Science.
- Luitel, Dol Raj, Siwakoti, Mohan, Jha, Pramod K. Nutrients in finger millet and soil at different elevation gradients in Central Nepal. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience.
- Luitel, Dol Raj, Jha, Pramod, Siwakoti, Mohan, Shrestha, Madan Lall, Muniappan, Rangaswamy. Climatic Trends in Different Bioclimatic Zones in the Chitwan Annapurna Landscape, Nepal. Climate.
- Fite, Tarekegn, Damte, Tebekew, Tefera, Tadele, Negeri, Mulugeta. Evaluation of commercial trap types and lures on the population dynamics of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and its effects on non-target species. Cogent Food & Agriculture.
- Kassie, Menale, Fisher, Monica, Muricho, Geoffrey, Diiro, Gracious. Women's empowerment boosts the gains in diet diversity from agricultural technology adoption in rural Kenya. Food Policy.
- Maharjan, Seerjana, Devkota, Anjana, Shrestha, Bharat Babu, Baniya, Chitra Bahadur, Muniappan, Rangaswamy, Jha, Pramod Kumar. Prevalence of Puccinia abrupta var. partheniicola and its impact on Parthenium hysterophorus in Kathmandu Valley. Journal of Ecology and Environment.
- Kebebe, Denberu, Alemu, Tesfaye, Tefera, Tadele. Diversity of bacterial and fungal endophytes in maize and their larvicidal effect against the spotted stem borer Chilo partellus. Biocontrol Science and Technology.
- Luitel, Dol Raj, Siwakoti, Mohan, Jha, Pramod K. Eleusine coracana (L) Gaertn (Finger millet): A Crop with Medicinal Value. Journal of Plant Resources.
- Maharjan, Seerjana, Shrestha, Bharat Babu, Devkota, Anjana, Muniappan, Rangaswamy, Jha, Pramod Kumar. Seed Biology of Summer and Winter Generations of Parthenium hysterophorus. Journal of Environment Sciences.
- Laminou, Saidou, A., Ba, Malick N., Karimoune, Laouali, Doumma, Ali, Muniappan, Rangaswamy. Parasitism of Locally Recruited Egg Parasitoids of the Fall Armyworm in Africa. Insects.
- Hossain, M.S., Sarkar, B.C., Hossain, M.M., Mian, M.Y., Rajotte, E.G., Muniappan, R., O'Rourke, M.E. Comparison of biorational management approaches against mango fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel) in Bangladesh. Crop Protection.
- Venkatramanan, S., Wu, S., Shi, B., Marathe, A., Marathe, M., Eubank, S., Sah, L.P., Giri, A.P., Colavita, L.A., Nitin, K.S., Sridhar, V., Asokan, R., Muniappan, R., Norton, G., Adiga, A. Modeling commodity flow in the context of invasive species spread: Study of Tuta absoluta in Nepal. Crop Protection.
- Maharjan, Seerjana, Shrestha, Bharat B., Devkota, Anjana, Muniappan, Rangwaswamy, Jha, Pramod. Temporal and spatial patterns of research on a globally significant invasive weed Parthenium hysterophorus L.: A bibliographic review. Crop Protection.
- Chou, Cheythyrith, Castilla, Nancy, Hadi, Buyung, Tanaka, Toshiharu, Chiba, Sotaro, Sato, Ikuo. Rice blast management in Cambodian rice fields using Trichoderma harzianum and a resistant variety. Crop Protection.
- Elibariki, Nsami, Bajracharya, Ajaya Shree Ratna, Bhat, Binu, Tefera, Tadele, Mottern, Jason L., Evans, Gregory, Muniappan, Rangaswamy, G.G., Yubak Dhoj, Pallangyo, Beatrice, Likhayo, Paddy. Candidates for Augmentative Biological Control of Spodoptera Frugiperda in Kenya, Tanzania, and Nepal. Indian Journal of Entomology.
- Karimoune, Laouali, Ba, Malick N., Baoua, Ibrahim B., Muniappan, Rangaswamy. Field performance of the parasitoid wasp, Trichogrammatoidea armigera (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) following releases against the millet head miner, Heliocheilus albipunctella (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Sahel. Biocontrol.
- Luitel, Dol Raj, Siwakoti, Mohan, Joshi, Mohan D., Rangaswami, Muniappan, Jha, Pramod K. Potential suitable habitat of Eleusine coracana (L) gaertn (Finger millet) under the climate change scenarios in Nepal. BMC Ecology.
- January, Bonaventure, Rwegasira, Gration M., Tefera, Tadele. Impacts of plant spacing and nitrogen fertilizer on incidences and density of spotted and African pink stem borers in Tanzania. International Journal of Pest Management.
- Poudel, Anju Sharma, Shrestha, Bharat Babu, Jha, Pramod Kumar, Baniya, Chitra Bahadur, Muniappan, Rangaswamy. Stem galling of Ageratina adenophora (Asterales: Asteraceae) by a biocontrol agent Procecidochares utilis (Diptera: Tephritidae) is elevation dependent in central Nepal. Biocontrol Science and Technology.
- Norton, George W., Alwang, Jeffrey. Changes in Agricultural Extension and Implications for Farmer Adoption of New Practices. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.
- Fite, Tarekegn, Tefera, Tadele, Negeri, Mulugeta, Damte, Tebekew, Sori, Waktole. Evaluation of Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, and Bacillus thuringiensis for the management of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) under laboratory and field conditions. Biocontrol Science and Technology.
- Fite, Tarekegn, Tefera, Tadele, Negeri, Mulugeta, Damte, Tebekew. Effect of Azadirachta indica and Milletia ferruginea extracts against Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) infestation management in chickpea. Cogent Food & Agriculture.
- Kassie, Menale, Wossen, Tesfamicheal, Grotte, Huge De, Tefera, Tadele, Sevgan, Subramanian, Balew, Solomon. Economic impacts of fall armyworm and its management strategies: evidence from southern Ethiopia. European Review of Agricultural Economics.
- McNitt, Joseph, Chungbaek, Young Yun, Mortviet, Henning, Marathe, Madhav, Campos, Mateus, R., Desneux, Nicolas, Brevault, Thierry, Muniappan, Muni. Assessing the multi-pathway threat from an invasive agricultural pest: Tuta absoluta in Asia. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
- Spangler, Kaitlyn, Christie, Maria Elisa. Renegotiating gender roles and cultivation practices in the Nepali mid-hills: unpacking the feminization of agriculture. Agriculture and Human Values.
- Flor, Rica Joy, Maat, Harro, Hadi, Buyung Asmara, Kumar, Virender, Castilla, Nancy. Do field-level practices of Cambodian farmers prompt a pesticide lock-in? Field Crops Research.
- Rahman, Md. Sadique, Norton, George W. Farm-level impacts of eggplant integrated pest management: a stochastic frontier production function approach. International Journal of Vegetable Science.
- Hossain, M.S., Hossain, M., Mian, M.Y., Akhter, S., Muniappan, R. Development of bio-rational management approach against mango hopper, Idioscopus nagpurensis (Pruthi) in Bangladesh. Journal of Biological Control.
- Hossain, M.S., Das, A.K., Akhter, S., Mian, M.Y., Muniappan, R. Development of biorational management for tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta. Journal of Biological Control.
- Maharjan, Seerjana, Shrestha, Bharat Babu, Joshi, Mohan Dev, Devkota, Anjana, Muniappan, Rangaswamy, Adiga, Abhijin, Jha, Pramod Kumar. Predicting suitable habitat of an invasive weed Parthenium hysterophorus under future climate scenarios in Chitwan Annapurna Landscape, Nepal. Journal of Mountain Science.
- Muniappan, Rangaswamy. Opportunities and Constraints for Classical Weed Biocontrol in Developing Countries. XV International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds Proceedings.
- Batuman, Ozgur, Ciftci, O. Cem, Osei, Michael K., Miller, Sally A., Rojas, Maria R., Gilbertson, Robert L. Rasta Disease of Tomato in Ghana is Caused by the Pospiviroids Potato spindle tuber viroid and Tomato apical stunt viroid. Plant Disease.
- Flor, Rica Joy, Maat, Harro, Hadi, Buyung Asmara Ratna, Then, Rathmuny, Kraus, Emily, Chhay, Kry. How do stakeholder interactions in Cambodian rice farming villages contribute to a pesticide lock-in? Crop Protection.
- Venkatramanan, S., Wu, S., Shi, B., Marathe, M., Eubank, S., Sah, L.P., Giri, A.P., Colavito, L.A., Nitin, K.S., Sridhar, V., Asokan, R., Muniappan, R., Norton, G., Adiga, A. Modeling commodity flow in the context of invasive species spread: Study of Tuta absoluta. Crop Protection.
- Stuart, Alexander M., Kong, Parameas, Then, Rathmuny, Flor, Rica Joy, Sathya, Khay. Tailor-made solutions to tackle rodent pests of rice through community-based management approaches in Cambodia. Crop Protection.
- Malacrino, Antonino, Seng, Kim Hian, An, Chanratha, Ong, Socheath, O'Rourke, Megan E. Integrated pest management for yard-long bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. Sesquipedalis in Cambodia. Crop Protection.
- Chhun, Sokunroth, Kumar, Virender, Martin, Robert J., Srean, Pao, Hadi, Buyung A.R. Weed management practices of smallholder rice farmers in Northwest Cambodia. Crop Protection.
- Hossain, M.S., Sarkar, B.C., Hossain, M.M., Mian, M.Y., Rajotte, E.G., Muniappan, R., O'Rourke, M.E. Comparison of biorational management approaches against mango fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel) in Bangladesh. Crop Protection.
- Maharjan, Seerjana, Shrestha, Bharat B., Devkota, Anjana, Muniappan, Rangaswamy, Jha, Pramod K. Temporal and spatial patterns of research on a globally significant invasive weed Parthenium hysterophorus L.: A bibliographic review. Crop Protection.
- Subedi, Nagendra, Taylor, Christopher G., Paul, Pierce A., Miller, Sally A. Combining partial host resistance with bacterial biocontrol agents improves outcomes for tomatoes infected with Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum. Crop Protection.
- Nahar, M.S., Nahar, Najmun, Alam, M.J., Hussain, M.J., Yasmin, L., Mian, M.Y., Miller, S.A., Rosa, C. Survey, morphology and white mold disease of country bean (Lablab purpureus L.) caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary in-relation to soil physico-chemical properties and weather conditions in Bangladesh. Crop Protection.
- Khadka, Ram B., Marasini, Madan, Rawal, Ranjana, Testen, Anna L., Miller, Sally A. Effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation carbon sources on soilborne diseases and weeds of okra and eggplant in Nepal. Crop Protection.
- Chou, Cheythyrith, Castilla, Nancy, Hadi, Buyung, Tanaka, Toshiharu, Chiba, Sotaro, Sato, Ikuo. Rice blast management in Cambodian rice fields using Trichoderma harzianum and a resistant variety. Crop Protection.
- Nahar, M.S., Naher, Najmun, Alam, M.J., Hossain, M.S., Mian, M.Y., Miller, S.A. Variation in isolates of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary causing white mold disease in Bangladesh crops. Crop Protection.
- Sisay, Birhanu, Simiyu, Josephine, Mendesil, Esayas, Likhayo, Paddy, Ayalew, Gashawbeza, Mohamed, Samira, Subramanian, Sevgan, Tefera, Tadele. Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda Infestations in East Africa: Assessment of Damage and Parasitism. Insects.
- Venkatramanan, S., Wu, S., Shi, B., Marathe, A., Marathe, M., Eubank, S., Sah, L.P., Giri, A.P., Colavito, L.A., Sridhar, V., Asokan, R., Muniappan, R., Norton, G., Adiga, A. Modeling commodity flow in the context of invasive species spread: Study of Tuta absoluta in Nepal. Crop Protection.
- Hossain, M.S., Sarkar, B.C., Hossain, M.M., Mian, M.Y., Rajotte, E.G., Muniappan, R., O'Rourke, M.E. Comparison of biorational management approaches against mango fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel) in Bangladesh. Crop Protection.
- Maharjan, Seerjana, Shretha, Bharat B., Devkota, Anjana, Muniappan, Rangaswamy, Jha, Pramod K. Temporal and spatial patterns of research on a globally significant invasive weed Parthenium hysterophorus L.: A bibliographic review. Crop Protection.
- Tran, Hanh, Van, Hoa Nguyen, Muniappan, Rangaswamy, Amrine, James, Naidu, Rayapati, Gilbertson, Robert, Sidhu, Jaspreet. Integrated Pest Management of Longan (Sapindales: Sapindaceae) in Vietnam. Journal of Integrated Pest Management.
- Alwang, Jeffrey, Norton, George, Larochelle, Catherine. Obstacles to Widespread Diffusion of IPM in Developing Countries: Lessons from the Field. Journal of Integrated Pest Management.
- Luitel, Dol Raj, Siwakoti, Mohan, Jha, Pramod Kumar. Climate change and finger millet: Perception, trend and impact on yield in different ecological regions in Central Nepal. Science Press.
- Hieu, Nguyen Thanh, Thu, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Linh, Dang Thuy, Thanh, Ngo Thi Kim, Hoa, Nguyen Van, Muniappan, Rangaswamy. Effect of Various Degree of Canopy Pruning on Plant Growth, Yield, and Control of Canker Disease of Dragonfruit Crop. 2018 International Conference on Tropical Fruit Pests and Diseases.
- Amadou, Laouali, Baoua, Ibrahim, Ba, Malick N., Muniappan, Rangaswamy. Development of an Optimum Diet for Mass Rearing of the Rice Moth, Corcyra cephalonica (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), and Production of the Parasitoid, Habrobracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), for the Control of Pearl Millet Head Miner. Journal of Insect Science.
- Kenis, Marc, Plessis, Hannalene du., Berg, Johnnie Van den., Ba, Malick Niango, Goergen, Georg, Kwadjo, Koffi Eric, Baoua, Ibrahim, Tefera, Tadele, Buddie, Alan, Cafa, Giovanni, Offord, Lisa, Rwomushana, Ivan, Polaszek, Andrew. Telenomus Remus, a Candidate Parasitoid for the Biological Control of Spodoptera Frugiperda in Africa, is already Present on the Continent. Insects.
- Upreti, R., Shrestha, AK., Tripathi, KM., Shrestha, B., Krakauer, NR., Devkota, NR., Jha, PK., Thapa, P. Effect of Fruit Thinning and Defoliation on Yield and Quality of Papaya (Carica papaya) cv. Red Lady in Chitwan. Acta Scientific Agriculture.
- Hashim, Ibrahim, Mamiro, Delphine, Mabagala, Robert B., Tefera, Tadele. Reduction of initial occurrence of rice blast (Pyricularia oryzae) inocula on seeds by microbial and hot water seed treatments. Australian Journal of Crop Science.
- Campos, Mateus R., Biondi, Antonio, Adiga, Abhijin, Guedes, Raul N. C., Desneux, Nicolas. From the Western Palaearctic region to beyond: Tuta absoluta 10 years after invading Europe. Journal of Pest Science.
- Biondi, Antonio, Guedes, Raul Narcisco C., Wan, Fang-Hao, Desneux, Nicolas. Ecology, Worldwide Spread, and Management of the Invasive South American Tomato Pinworm, Tuta absoluta: Past, Present, and Future. Annual Reviews.
- Venkatramanan, S., Wu, S., Shi, B., Marathe, A., Marathe, M., Eubank, S., Sah, L.P., Giri, A.P., Colavito, L.A., Nitin, K.S., Sridhar, V., Asokan, R., Muniappan, R., Norton, G., Adiga, A. Modeling commodity flow in the context of invasive species spread: Study of Tuta absoluta in Nepal. Crop Protection.
- Poudel, A.S., Jha, P.K., Shrestha, B.B., Muniappan, R. Biology and management of the invasive weed Ageratina adenophora (Asteraceae): current state of knowledge and future research needs. Weed Research.
- Amadou, Laouali, Baoua, Ibrahim, Ba, Malick N., Karimoune, Laouali, Muniappan, Rangaswamy. Native Parasitoids Recruited by the Invaded Fall Armyworm in Niger. Indian Journal of Entomology.
- Sisay, Birhanu, Tefera, Tadele, Wakgari, Mulatu, Ayalew, Gashawbeza, Medesil, Esayas. The Efficacy of Selected Synthetic Insecticides and Botanicals against Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, in Maize. Insects.
- Mersie, Wondi, Alemayehu, Lidya, Strathie, Lorraine, McConnachie, Andrea, Terefe, Shitaye, Negeri, Mulugeta, Zewdie, Kassahun. Host range evaluation of the leaf-feeding beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata and the stem-boring weevil, Listronatus setosipennis demonstrates their suitability for biological control of the invasive weed, Parthenium hysterophorus. Biocontrol Science and Technology.
- McConnachie, Andrea John. Host range and risk assessment of Zygogramma bicolorata, a defoliating agent released in South Africa for the biocontrol of Parthenium hysterophorus. Biocontrol Science and Technology.
- McConnachie, Andrew John. Host range tests cast doubt on the suitability of Epiblema strenuana as a biological control agent for Parthenium hysterophorus in Africa. BioControl.
- Flor, Rica Joy, Chhay, Kry, Sorn, Vichet, Maat, Harro, Hadi, Buyung Asmara Ratna. The Technological Trajectory of Integrated Pest Management for Rice in Cambodia. Sustainability.
- Bagewadi, Basavaraj, Naidu, Rayapati. First report of Tomato yellow leaf curl Kanchanaburi virus in eggplant and tomato in Cambodia. Plant Disease.
- Bhandar, A., Sah, L.P., G.C., Y. Dhoj, Devkota, M., Colavito, L.A., Rajbhandari, B.P., Norton, G., Millet, S., Muniappan, R. Evaluation of carbon sources for anaerobic soil disinfestation in tomato production in Lalitpur district. Nepalese Journal of Agricultural Sciences.
- Singh, A., Sah, L.P., G.C., Y. Dhoj, Devkota, M., Colavito, L.A., Rajbhandari, P., Norton, G., Rajotte, E.G., Muniappan, R. Evaluation of pest exclusion net to major insect pest of tomato in Kavre and Lalitpur. Nepalese Journal of Agricultural Sciences.
- Luitel, Dol Raj, Siwakoti, Jha, Pramod, K., Jha, Ajay Kumar, Krakauer, Nir. An Overview: Distribution, Production, and Diversity of Local Landraces of Buckwheat in Nepal. Advances in Agriculture.
- Bhandari, Ghanashyam, Jha, Shiva Kumar, Giri, Yagya Prasad, Manandhar, Hira Kaji, Jha, Pramod K., Devkota, N., Thapa, Praseed, Thapa, Resham Bahadur. Performance evaluation of locally developed black light trap for maize insects monitoring in Chitwan, Nepal. Journal of Maize Research and Development.
- Luitel, Dol Raj, Siwakoti, Mohan, Jha, Pramod, K., Jha, Ajay Kumar, Krakauer, Nir. Climate, Distribution an Cropping Pattern of Finger Millet in Nepal: A review. International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research.
- Mandal, Ram Asheshwar, Jha, Pramod K., Krakauer, Nir, Jha, Ajay, Lakhankar, Tarendra. Assessing Cost Effective Management Options of Eichhornia Crassipes in Ecotourism Ramsar Sites, Nepal. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology in Extension and Education Systems.
- Luitel, Dol Raj, Siwakoti, Mohan, Jha, Pramod, K. Relationship between Climatic Variables and Finger Millet Yield in Syangja, Central Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood.
- Giri, H.N., Sharma, M.D., Thapa, R.B., Pande, K.R., Khatri, B.B. Growth, Yield and Post-Harvest Quality of Late Season Cauliflower Grown at Two Ecological Zones of Nepal. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry University.
- Bhandar, G., Thapa, R.B., Giri, Y.P., Manandhar, H.K. Effect of Planting Dates of Maize on the Incidence of Borer Complex in Chitwan, Nepal. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry University.
- Bhattacharjee, Aishwarya, Anadon, Jose D., Lohman, David J., Doleck, Tenzing, Lakhankar, Tarendra, Shrestha, Bharat Babu, Thapa, Praseed, Devkota, Durga, Tiwari, Sundar, Ajay, Jha, Siwakoti, Mohan, Devkota, Naba R., Joha, Pramod K., Krakauer, Nir Y. The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity in Nepal: Current Knowledge, Lacunae, and Opportunities. Climate.
- Fite, Tarekegn, Tefera, Tadele, Negeri, Mulugeta, Damte, Tebekew, Sori, Waktole. Management of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by Nutritional Indices and Botanical Extracts of Millettia feruginea and Azadirachta indica. Advances in Entomology.
- Bonaventure, January, Rwegasira, Gration M., Tefera, Tadele. Efficacy of Selected Biopesticides and Botanical Extracts in Managing Rice Stem Borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Tanzania. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International.
- Hashim, Ibrahim, Mamiro, Delphina, Mabagala, Robert B., Tefera, Tadele. In vitro and in vivo Evaluation of Microbial Agents for Management of Rice Blast Disease in Tanzania. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences.
- Fite, Tarekegn, Tefera, Tadele, Negeri, Mulugeta, Damte, Tebekew, Legesse, Hirpa. Farmers Status, Knowledge & Management Practices on Major Chickpea Insect Pests in Some Selected Zones of Ethiopia. Journal of Agricultural Science.
- Heinrichs, E.A., Muniappan, Rangaswamy. IPM for tropical crops: soyabeans. CAB Reviews.
- January, Bonaventure, Rwegasira, Gration M., Tefera, Tadele. Efficacy of Selected Biopesticides and Botanical Extracts in Managing Rice Stem Borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Tanzania. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International.
- Fite, Tarekegn, Tefera, Tadele, Negeri, Mulugeta, Tebekew, Damte, Sori, Waktole. Management of Heliocoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by Nutritional Indices Study and Botanical Extracts of Millettia ferruginea and Azadirachta indica. Advances in Entomology.
- Karimoune, Laouali, Ba, Malick, Baoua, Ibrahim, Muniappan, Rangaswamy. The parasitoid Trichogrammatoidea armigera Nagaraja (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) is a potential candidate for biological control of the millet head miner Heliocheilus albipunctella (de Joannis) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Sahel. Biological Control.
- Rahman, Sadique Md., Norton, George, Rashid, M. Harun-Ar. Economic impacts of integrated pest management on vegetable production in Bangladesh. Crop protection.
- Nagendran, K., Karthika, C., Parthasarathy, S., Mohan Kumar, S., Karthikeyan, G. Molecular evidence for the occurrence of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus on bottle gourd in Tamil Nadu, India. Vegetable Science.
- Nagendran, K., Kumar, S. Mohan., Priyanka And, R., Karthikeyan, G. Molecular Evidence for the Occurrence of Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus and Squash Leaf Curl China Virus on Volunteer Pumpkin Plants in Tamil Nadu. Trends in Biosciences.
- Nagendran, K., Kumar, S. Mohan., Manoranjitham And, S.K., Karthikeyan, G. Molecular Detection and Characterization of Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus Causing Mosaic Disease on Bitter Gourd in Tamil Nadu, India. Trends in Biosciences.
- Nagendran, K., Aravintharaj, R., Mohankumar, S., Manoranjitham, K., Naidu, R.A., Karthikeyan, G. First Report of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina) in India. Plant Disease.
- Nagendran, K., Balaji, C.G., Mohankumar, S., Manoranjithan, S.K., Naidu, R.A., Karthikeyan, G. First report of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus in Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina) in India. Plant Disease.
- Nagendran, K., Priyanka, R., Keerthana, U., Mohankumar, S., Karthikeyan, G. First report of Zucchini Mosaic Virus on Cucurbita Moschata in India. Journal of Plant Pathology.
- Akhtar, N., Nayab, M., Sattar, N., Qurashi, F. First report of Alternaria Alternata Causing Leaf Spot of Polyalthia Longifolia in Pakistan. Journal of Plant Pathology.
- Nagendran, K., Mohankumar, S., Mohammed Faisal, P., Bagewadi, B., Karthikeyan, G. Molecular evidence for the occurrence of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus on chayote (Sechium edule) in southern India. VirusDis.
- Nagendran, K., Mohankumar, S., Aravintharaj, R., Balaji, C.G., Manoranjitham, S.K., Achuit, K. Singh, Rai, A.B., Singh, B., Karthikeyan, G. The occurrence and distribution of major virus infesting cucurbits in Tamil Nadu state, India. Crop Protection.
- Nagendran, K., Satya, V.K., Mohankumar, S., Karthikeyan, G. Molecular characterization of a distinct bipartite Begomovirus species infecting ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis L.) in Tamil Nadu, India. Virus Genes.
- Nagendran, K., Priyanka, R., Aravintharaj, R., Balaji, C.G., Prashant, S., Basavaraj, B., Mohankumar, S., Karthikeyan, G. Characterization of Cucumber mosaic virus infecting snake gourd and bottle gourd in India. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology.
- Hashim, Ibrahim, Mamiro, Delphina P., Mabagala, Robert B., Tefera, Tadele. Smallholder Farmers' Knowledge, Perception, and Management of Rice Blast Disease in Upland Rice Production in Tanzania. Journal of Agricultural Science.
- Tefera, Tadele, Sisay, Birhanu, Josephine, Simiyu, Malusi, Paddy, Mendesil, Esayas, Elibariki, Nsami, Wakgari, Mulatu, Ayalew, Gashawbeza, Ayalew. First report of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), natural enemies from Africa. Journal of Applied Entomology.
- Flor, Rica, Kraus, Emily, Then, Rathmuny, Kong, Parameas, Stuart, Alexander. Working with Cambodian rice farmers to combat a plague of rodents. Rice Today.
- Bonaventure, January, Rwegasira, Gration, Tefera, Tadele. Lepidopteran Stem Borer Species Abundance and Associated Damages on Irrigated Kilombero Low Land Rice Ecosystem in Tanzania. Journal of Entomology.
- Bonaventure January, Gration M. Rwegasira, Tadele Tefera. Farmers' Perceptions of Rice Production Constraints and Stem Borers Management Practices in Tanzania. Journal of Agricultural Science.
- Wondi Mersie, Lidya Alemayehu. Helping Workitu Eirgu and Other Rural Women in Ethiopia Tackle the Scourge of the Invasive Weed Parthenium.
- Guerci, M., Norton, G., Ba, M., Baoua, I., Alwang, J., Amadou, L., Moumouni, O., Karimoune, L., Muniappan, R. Economic feasibility of an augmentative biological control industry in Niger. Crop Protection.
- January, B., Rwegasira, G., Tefera, T. Distribution of rice stem borers and their parasitoid in irrigated low land rice ecosystem in Kilombero valley, Morogoro, Tanzania. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies.
- Heinrichs, E.A., Sidhu, J., Muniappan, R., Fayad, A., Adiga, A., Marathe, A., Mcnitt, J., Venkatramanan, S. Egypt FAW Risk Assessment 12-14-17
- Kumela, T., Simiyu, J., Birhanu, S., Likhayo, P., Mendesil, E., Gohole, L., Tefera, T. Farmers' knowledge, perceptions, and management practices of the new invasive pest, fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in Ethiopia and Kenya. International Journal of Pest Management.
- Venkatramanan, S., Wu, S., Marathe, A., Marathe, M., Eubank, S., Sah, L., Giri, A.P., Colavito, L., Nitin, K.S., Sridhar, V., Asokan, R., Muniappan, R., Norton, G., Adiga, A. Towards robust models of food flows and their role in invasive species spread. IEEE.
- Heinrichs, E.A., Muniappan, Rangaswamy. IPM for tropical crops: rice. CAB Reviews.
Perez, K. et. al. 2017. Connecting smallholder tomato producers to improved seed in West Africa. Agriculture and Food Security. 6:42.
- POPs Manual
- "Fresh" News from the World Vegetable Center
- Venkatramanan, S., Wu, S., Shi, B., Marathe, A., Marathe, M., Eubank, S., Sah, L. P., Giri, A.P., Colavito, L.A., Nitin, K.S., Sridhar, V., Asokan, R., Muniappan, R., Norton, G., Adiga, A. Study of Tuta absoluta in Nepal. Virginia Tech.
- Nagendran, K., S. Mohankumar, R. Aravintharaj, C.G. Balaji, S.K. Manoranjitham, Achuit K. Singh, A.B. Rai, B. Singh, and G. Karthikeyan. 2017. The occurrence and distribution of major viruses infecting cucurbits in Tamil Nadu state, India. Crop Protection. 99, 10-16.
- Tefera, Tadele and Desalegn Tadesse, eds. 2017. Working Document: Assessment of Pest Diagnostic Capacity in Plant Health Related Laboratories in Kenya. International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE)
- Tefera, Tadele and Desalegn Tadesse, eds. 2017. Working Document: Assessment of Pest Diagnostic Capacity in Plant Health Related Laboratories for Maize and Rice in Tanzania. International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE).
- Korir, J., G. Muricho, and M. Kassie. 2017. Farmers' Perceptions of Maize Stem Borer and Adoption of Integrated Pest Management Practices in Nakuru and Bomet Counties, Kenya. International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE).
Demonstration of an Integrated Pest Management Program for Wheat in Tajikistan. Journal of Integrated Pest Management.
Alwang, J., C. Larochelle and V. Barrera. 2016. Farm Decision Making and Gender: Results from a Randomized Experiment in Ecuador. World Development.
- Clements, C., J. Alwang, V. Barrera, and J.M. Dominguez. 2016. Graft is good: The economic and environmental benefits of grafted naranjilla in the Andean region. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems.
- Muniappan, R. and E.A. Heinrichs. 2015. Feed the Future IPM Innovation Lab: A Critical Role in Global Food Security. Outlooks on Pest Management. 26:4, 148-151.
- Acharya, N., R. A. Seliga, E. G. Rajotte, N. E. Jenkins and M. B. Thomas. 2015. Persistence and efficacy of a Beauveria bassiana biopesticide against the house fly, Musca domestica, on typical structural substrates of poultry houses. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 25:6, 697-715.
- Naworaj A., E. G. Rajottea, N.E. Jenkins, and M.B. Thomasa. 2015. Potential for biocontrol of houseflies, Musca domestica, using fungal biopesticides. Biocontrol, Science and Technology. 25:5, 513-524.
- Nagendra, K., R. Aravintharaj, S. Mohankumar, S. K. Manoranjitham, R. A. Naidu, and G. Karthikeyan. 2015. First Report of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina) in India. Plant Disease. 99:4, 559.
- Watson, G. 2015. Unaspis lansivora sp. n. (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), a new pest of
Lansium domesticum (Meliaceae), and a key to Unaspis species. Zootaxa. 3905:3, 432–440. - Basavaraj Bagewadi, Md. S. Hossain, A. Fayad, and R. A. Naidu. 2015. First Report of Cucumber mosaic virus from Eggplant (Solanum melongena) in Bangladesh. Plant Disease. 99:2, 293-293.
- Hernan, R., J.K. Brown, J.M. Rivera and S. Weller. 2014. Manejo Integrado de Plagas de Papa en Honduras. Serie Protección Vegetal. 1-22.
- Bonabona-Wabbi, Jackline,*Daniel B. Taylor, and George W. Norton, Willingness to Pay to Avoid Consumption of Pesticide Residues in Uganda: An Experimental Approach, African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 9 (3): (2014): 226-238.
- Dinakaran, D., Gajendran, G., Mohankumar, S., Karthikeyan, G., Thiruvudainambi, S., Jonathan, E. I., Samiyappan, R., Pfeiffer, D. G., Rajotte, E. G., Norton, G. W., Miller, S., Muniappan, R., Evaluation of Integrated Pest and Disease Management Module for Shallots in Tamil Nadu, India: a Farmer’s Participatory Approach. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 4(2) (June 2013): 1-9
- Mbata,George N.; Kemo Badji, and Carlyle C. Brewster. Monitoring populations of Phthorimaea operculella in potato fields and in storage in Senegal. International Journal of Pest Management. 30 Oct 2014
- Muniappan, R. 2014. Biological Control of Papaya Mealybug in Asia. Biocontrol News and Information 35(I). IN-8N.
- Muniappan, R. 2014. Biocontrol News and Information 35(I). IN-8N.
- Watson, G.W., R. Muniappan, B.M. Shepard, D. Sembel, A. Rauf, G.R. Carner, and E.P. Benson. 2014. Indonesia. Florida Entomologist (Submitted for publication). Sap-sucking insect records (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha and Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
- Muniappan, R. 2014. Banana leaf roller, a new pest to Nepal. IAPPS Newsletter, Vol. 9. (Accepted for publication.)
- Muniappan, R. 2014. First record of the predatory bug, Nisidiocoris tenuis, in Ethiopia. IAPPS Newsletter, Vol. 7. (Accepted for publication.)
- Muniappan, R. and E.A. Heinrichs. 2014. Biodiversity and integrated pest management: working together for a sustainable future. Crop Protection. 61: 102-103.
- Muniappan, R. 2014. Impact of invasive species on biodiversity, IPM, environment and economics. Crop Protection. 61: 107.
- Myrick, S., G. W. Norton, K.N. Selvaraj, K. Natarajan, and R. Muniappan. 2014. Economic impact of classical biological control of papaya mealybug in India. Crop Protection. 56: 82-86.
- Muniappan, R. 2014. Invasive mealybugs in Southeast Asia – ecological insights to facilitate control. IAPPS Newsletter, Vol. 4, April 2014.
- Osei, K., M.K. Osei, and M.B. Kumasi. 2014. Effect of plant bed on nematode density and yield of cabbage in two regions of Ghana. Journal of Entomology and Nematology, Vol. 6(10), November 2014.
- Paudel, S., E.G. Rajotte, and G.W. Felton. 2014. Benefits and costs of tomato seed treatment with plant defense elicitors for insect resistance. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 8:539–545.
- The Role of Natural Enemy Foraging Guilds in Controlling Cereal Aphids in Michigan Wheat. PLoS ONE 9(12): e114230. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0114230 A. F. Fox, and D.A. Landis. 2014.
- Strapasson, P., D.M. Pinto-Zevallos, S. Paudel, E.G. Rajotte, G.W. Felton, P.H.G. Zarbin. 2014. Enhancing Plant Resistance at the Seed Stage: Low Concentrations of Methyl Jasmonate Reduce the Performance of the Leaf Miner Tuta absoluta but do not Alter the Behavior of its Predator Chrysoperla externa. J ChemEcol.
- Wabuyele, E., A. Lusweti, J. Bisikwa, G. Kyenune, K. Clark, W.D. Lotter, A. J. McConnachie, and W. Mersie. A Roadside Survey of the Invasive Weed Parthenium hysterophorus (Asteraceae) in East Africa. Journal of East African Natural History, 103(1):49-57. 2014.
- Harris, Leah,* George W. Norton, A.N.M. Rezaul Karim, Jeffrey Alwang, and Daniel B. Taylor, Bridging the Information Gap with Cost-Effective Dissemination Strategies: The Case of Integrated Pest Management in Bangladesh, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 45 (4) (2013): 639-654.
- Fayad, A. 2013. IPM Innovation Lab successful delivery of IPM technologies in the developing world: Capacity building through long- and short-term training. Phytopathology 103(Suppl. 2):S2.42
- Fayad, A. 2013. Controlling soilborne pathogens using Trichoderma: The Integrated Pest Management Innovation Lab’s work in Bangladesh, India, and Indonesia. Phytopathology 103(Suppl. 2):S2.42
- Pfeiffer, D.G., R. Muniappan, D. Sall, P. Diatta, A. Diongue, and E.O. Dieng. 2013. First record of Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in Senegal. Florida Entomologist, 96: 661-662.
- Cave, R.D., J.T. Chao, B. Kumashiro, T. Marler, J. Miles, A. Moore, R. Muniappan, and G.W. Watson. Status and biological control of cycad aulacaspis scale. Biocontrol New and Information, 34: 1N 4N.
- Zachariades, C., L.W. Strathie, M.D. Day, and R. Muniappan. (eds.) 2013. Proceedings 8th International Workshop on Biological Control and Management of Chromolaena odorata and Other Eupatorieae, 1-2 Nov. 2010. ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria, South Africa.
- Fayad, A. 2012. Capacity building and short term training: Requirements for successful technology transfer for IPM. Proceedings of the 7th International IPM Symposium., March 2012, Memphis, Tennessee, USA. (Abstract)
- Muniappan, R., G.W. Watson, G.A. Evans, A. Rauf, and N. Ellenrieder. 2012. Cycad Aulacaspis scale, a newly introduced pest in Indonesia. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19: 110-114.
* indicates student on the IPM Innovation Lab project.