The IPM Innovation Lab hosts and participates in many international conferences where scientists, researchers, and students present findings to diverse sets of audiences. Find some of the presentations and posters here:

North America
- USAID Fall Armyworm meeting. Washington, D.C. February 7.
East Africa
- Regional workshop on monitoring and management of Fall Armyworm. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. July.
- Integrated Termite Management in Maize in Western Ethiopia. Nairobi, Kenya. July.
- Management of Chickpea Pod Borer in Ethiopia. Ethiopia.
- IPM on Rice Diseases and Insect Pests in Major Rice Growing Areas of Tanzania. Tanzania.
- Maize Stem Borers and Striga Management in Tanzania Using Push-Pull Technology. Nairobi, Kenya. July.
- The Push-Pull Farming System in Kenya and Ethiopia: Implications for Economic an Social Welfare. July.
- Distribution, Damage, and Preliminary Biology of the Fall Armyworm in Kenya.
- Management of Maize Stemborers Using Push-Pull Technology in Hawassa, Ethiopia. July.
- Gender and Grain IPM Project in Numbers.
- Rice Blast Disease (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) incidence, severity, genotype reaction and management in Tanzania. July.
- Integrated Chickpea Diseases Management for Fusarium Wilt and Ascochyta Blight. July.
- Evaluation of Different Management Options of Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Assessment of Their Parasitoids Enemies in Some Parts of Ethiopia.
- On-farm verification and demonstration of integrated wilt/root rot and pod borer management method on chickpea. July.
East Africa
- Fall Armyworm workshop. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. July 14-15.
- Tuta absoluta management workshop. Dhaka, Bangladesh. January.
- Tuta absoluta management workshop. Jessore, Bangladesh. January.
- Tuta absoluta symposium at the 12th Arab Plant Protection Congress. Hargadha, Egypt. November.
- Tuta absoluta symposium at the International Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change. Kathmandu, Nepal. January 10.
North America
- Tuta absoluta symposium at the International Congress of Entomology. Orlando, Florida. September.
- Plant Pathology: Endless Opportunities, Robert Gilbertson, Department of Plant Pathology, UC Davis, August
- Virus Diseases in Vegetables in Nepal, March 1, Nepal
- Tuta absoluta awareness workshop. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. December.
- Tuta absoluta awareness workshop. Siem Reap, Cambodia. December.
West Africa
- Tuta absoluta workshop at the Invasive Species Meeting. Dakar, Senegal. June.
East Africa
- Tuta absoluta at the Egyptian Biological Control Conference. Cairo, Egypt. October.
- Tuta absoluta awareness workshop. Kathmandu, Nepal. May.
- Tuta absoluta awareness workshop. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Tuta absoluta awareness workshop. Jessore, Bangladesh.
- Tuta absoluta symposium at the IAPPS Congress. Berlin, Germany. September.
South Asia
- Seed-borne Virus Diseases of Vegetable Crops, June 2-5, Hyderabad, India
- Seed-borne Virus Diseases of Vegetable Crops, April 7-11, Kathmandu, Nepal
East Africa
- Parthenium Hysterophorus. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. July 14-17,
- Tuta absoluta management workshop. Nairobi, Kenya. June.
West Africa
- Invasive species identification and management in the tropics. Dakar, Senegal. May 12-15.
East Africa
- Tuta absoluta: Meeting the challenge of the tomato leafminer. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Nov. 26-28.
- Tuta absoluta Workshop. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. December.
West Africa
- Tuta absoluta workshop. Dakar, Senegal. May.
West Africa
- Pesticide Safety Education: a series of training materials developed for use in Mali