Providing leadership and coordination to regional programs to help the Innovation Lab assess priorities worldwide in IPM
A global theme program on impact assessment provides leadership and coordination to each of the regional IPM programs mentioned above, and helps the Innovation Lab assess priorities worldwide in IPM. It is establishing a common methodology for evaluating economic, social, environmental, health, and gender impacts of IPM programs. Spatially-referenced analytical tools are used to identify and characterize areas susceptible to specific pest problems and linked to crop loss. This information is combined with other economic, technical, and technology adoption data to: a) project where IPM programs are likely to have the greatest impacts locally, regionally, and globally; and b) to assess impacts of specific IPM Innovation Lab activities that have been completed in each region.
Program achievements and highlights
- Program leaders published an article in the February, 2014 issue of the Journal of Crop Protection documenting their analysis showing that the IPM Innovation Lab’s papaya mealybug intervention alone is worth more than $1 billion over five years.
Phase IV official program title
Impact Assessment Global Program
Principal Investigator
George Norton, Virginia Tech
Jeffrey Alwang, Virginia Tech | Daniel Taylor, Virginia Tech