
np-map Population: 31.6 M
GDP per capita: $2,400
Feed the Future country? Yes
Involvement in this country since: 2008Challenges:
·    Pesticide overuse
·    Value chain issues
·    Loss of biodiversity
·    Chemical pesticide overuse

Related Projects:

Vegetable Crops and Mango IPM in Asia

Implementing ecologically-based, participatory integrated pest management of insect pests, pathogens and weeds, focusing on tomato, eggplant, cabbage, cauliflower, beans, cucurbits, and onion.

Modeling for Biodiversity and Climate Change

Assesses biodiversity in several categories linked to agricultural resilience and sustainable pest control across an altitudinal transect in the Chitwan-Annapure landscape of central Nepal.

Previous Accomplishments:

  1. Developed IPM packages for high-value vegetable crops: By applying an IPM package consisting of mostly compost (farm yard manure), farmers increased the yields of bitter gourd, cucumber, cauliflower, and coffee.
  2. Reduced the use of toxic pesticides: The combined effect of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides has allowed farmers to apply pesticides less frequently on IPM-fields in Nepal.
  3. Conducted long-term training and workshops: Nepalese scientists had the opportunity to travel for training and workshops on IPM techniques like grafting, pheromone trapping, and beneficial fungus development and application.
  4. Transferred IPM technology: With the help of partnering organizations, this project reaches tens of thousands of farmers, stimulating small business development for IPM inputs such as pheromones, disease test kits, entomopathogenic organisms, and traps.