Short-Term Training

Short-term training involves workshops, seminars, farmer field schools, field days, and train-the-trainer sessions for those directly involved in crop protection. These shorter term training efforts complement long-term training in a valuable way: they get information out quickly and broadly to large numbers of people.

Our programs train growers on the proper identification of plant diseases and pests as well as sound management practices through seminars, workshops, field days, field demonstrations, and farmer field schools (FFS). IPM practices and packages are also disseminated to growers using this approach. These activities are facilitated by U.S. and host country scientists, technicians, graduate students, and specialists.

We also provide short-term training to build the capacity of host country institutions, scientists, students, extension agents, and others directly involved with crop protection. Specialized symposia, training events, and technical workshops are conducted in the United States and in program host countries.
