International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences (IAPPS) Blog Launched

IAPPS has announced that a new IAPPS Blog has been launched. The blog is designed to provide a service to the global IAPPS Membership.

With members from more than 60 nations, IAPPS seeks to promote global IPM by stimulating the development and exchange of plant protection information among entomologists, plant pathologists, nematologists, weed scientists, plant breeders, social scientists, economists, crop production and marketing specialists, technology transfer specialists, growers, policy makers, administrators, crop protection consultants, and environmental and other interested groups. The IAPPS Blog hopes to provide a global forum for the purpose of identifying, evaluating, integrating, and promoting plant protection concepts, technologies, and policies that are economically, environmentally, and socially acceptable.

While open to the public for viewing, only IAPPS members are eligible to submit posts to the blog, or comment on submitted posts. To post an article, news item, question about pest identification or any other item, IAPPS members are urged to send the item to

The IAPPS looks forward to active participation in this blog as IPM scientists and other professionals work together to minimize global hunger and food insecurity by promoting sustainable pest management strategies. Visit the IAPPS Blog to see the latest articles.

International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences (IAPPS) Blog Launched