The Buzz

The BuzzIPMers and Feed the Future fans are abuzz over recent trending headlines. Below are topics of interest to keep you up to date on the latest news in international affairs, entomology, and world agriculture.

Invasive Species

Tuta absoluta, a.k.a., the South American tomato leafminer is advancing fast. Scientists recommend fierce and immediate strategies to control the pest and keep it out of untouched areas.

Global Goals

The United Nations released a set of “Global Goals” for sustainable development, targeting themes such as ending world hunger, striving for quality education, and identifying solutions to problems pertaining to climate change, among others.

Optimism in sub-Saharan Africa

Life is looking up for sub-Saharan African nations. Due to recent economic growth, people of these nations are expressing optimism about the future. Health care and education remain as top priorities.


Welcome to the wonderful world of wasps: One species’ hero is another species’ villain.


Over the past few years, talk of a #beepocalypse has led to widespread rumors about the endangerment of bee species. USDA data shows quite the contrary. Is science setting the record straight on “beemageddon?”

Mushroom Mercy

For beekeepers legitimately facing possible “colony collapse disorder,” a mushroom may prove to be salvation for the honey bee.

The Buzz
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