Van Crowder

van-crowder-webAdministrative Principal Investigator, Executive Director, CIRED

Virginia Tech

Education: Ph.D., Adult and Continuing Education, Cornell; M.S., Communication Arts, Cornell; B.S., Cornell, 1974.

Dr. Crowder has more than 30 years of experience with international development projects, and has worked for such influential development organizations as the Millennium Challenge Corporation and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. At the Millennium Challenge Corporation, he served as a senior director managing the education, health, and community development portfolio. At the FAO, he served as senior officer of communication for development, and as the country representative for Nicaragua.

The many facets of his career in development include helping farmers in Nicaragua improve food security, managing a watershed project in Jamaica, evaluating education programs at a university in Yemen, and establishing a farmer advisory service in Uganda. His consultant work includes stints across Central and Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

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