Technical Advisory Committee, IPM Innovation Lab
Regional Crop Protection Officer, FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa Region
Ph.D., Plant Protection, Slovak University of Agriculture; M.S., Agronomy, Slovak University of Agriculture
As a Regional Crop Protection Officer for FAO, Al-Dobai provides guidance and support to governments and institutions in the middle east and north Africa in the identification, formulation and implementation of FAO plant protection projects and programs including support in capacity building and training, both at the national and regional levels. He also identifies plant protection problems in the region and provides technical support for the promotion of safe and sustainable plant protection activities. He has worked as a post-doctoral research entomologist for ARS-USDA in Florida and as the Director of Pesticide Directorate at the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in Yemen,
Phone: +20-2-33316000, ext. 2808 | Email: