About us


We train farmers, scientists, and students in integrated pest management (IPM), an environmentally-friendly, sustainable approach to reducing plant and crop damage caused by pests.

Overview – Integrated pest management (IPM) is needed in all areas of the developing world, where it touches on issues from gender to microfinance. Learn more about how this complex system is benefiting small farmholders worldwide.

Mission – The IPM Innovation Lab works to raise the standard of living while promoting sustainable development. Learn more about the context for this remarkable system, and the goals of the organization.

Director’s Message – Director Muni Muniappan speaks about the importance of working with farmers to put in place environmentally sound ways of increasing production. He explains how the program has been especially effective in combating devastating scourges such as the papaya mealybug.

Team – It takes a dedicated group of scientists, researchers, students, and administrators around the world to make our programs successful. Meet these dynamic individuals in this section.

Innovation Labs – The IPM Innovation Lab is one of 24 Innovation Labs set up to leverage the expertise found at American land grant universities in developing countries.

Contact Us – Our main office is based in the Center for International Research, Education, and Development (CIRED) at Virginia Tech. We are most accessible via email.