What’s New?
Read the IPM Innovation Lab’s solidarity statement.
How is the IPM Innovation Lab changing the world?
Researchers Launch Bangladesh’s First Biocontrol Program to Combat Invasive Weed
The biocontrol approach is utilizing a natural enemy, Zygogramma bicolorata, to defoliate the parthenium weed.
Improving Food Security Through Biocontrol: Virginia Tech Program Supports Biocontrol of the Destructive Fall Armyworm in Nepal and Bangladesh
The IPM Innovation Lab has developed a “satellite” concept that aims to support researchers, students, and other stakeholders in identifying the pest and rearing and releasing its natural enemies.
Integrated Pest Management Innovation Lab Publishes Booklet Gathering Packages for Tropical Crops
The recently published booklet covers IPM techniques for a range of crops grown in the tropical world, including eggplant, onion, crucifers, pepper, tomato, cucumber, maize, pearl millet, rice, chickpea, bean, lentil. and longan.
Agriculture in Bangladesh: Limitations and Possibilities for Women’s Involvement in Integrated Pest Management
Women can often be limited in their access to and knowledge of IPM technologies in Bangladesh, but the IPMA has several approaches it’s implementing to ensure better equity.